Feb 20, 2008

Sick of cold

This picture isn't even our last snow fall. But, it just keeps piling up. We usually have a turn about in our drive, but it has shrunk in with hard snow. The truck has to back all the way down the drive and you have to be more talented than me to do it with the car. Well today was all of 8 degrees f. I have to say the sun shining is a nice touch. Despite the cold there is eve a little melting going on.

I'm already making plans for the summer. There is a campground near our friends' the Frobishs that seams nice (according to their web site anyway). I'm dreaming of camping!
Today is Kids Klub. We'll be taking about 25 kids bowling. I'm a little nervous, cause it's my first time helping. But I think it will be a lot of fun.
Right after that we'll be celebrating Lent with our friends at church. Last week Pastor Paul sang, and quizzed us, followed by a talk on Colosians 2:15 I think it was. But that was a full week ago, Mommy brain prevents me from remembering that far back. I must remember to ask him what the ashes for Ash Wednesday are for. We don't actually use them here, but I'm clueless as to what they mean.
You might find that I write too often. Trust me, that won't last. Anora is all about Potty humor right now, so if you think I write too much, I could always let her tell you all about her gas.

We have 2 friends in the hospital, both with heart problems. Please pray for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blogging! Needs more potty humor though...